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February 10, 2010

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Drop the "D Bomb" and
Destroy the Wintertime Blues

The Remarkable Effects of Rebounding

McCain Bill Attacks Health Freedom

Most Recent Radio Interview

Drop the D Bomb and Destroy the Winter Time Blues!

Did you know that vitamin D  has been shown to effectively treat depression? Technically speaking, vitamin D is not really a vitamin - it is more appropriately classified as a pro-hormone. Regardless, vitamin D has also been shown to be crucial in preventing cancer. The specific type of vitamin D which you need is vitamin D3, also know as “cholecalciferol.”

The mechanisms by which vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer are fairly well understood. They include enhancing calcium absorption, inducing cell differentiation, increasing apoptosis (programmed cell death), reducing metastasis and proliferation, and reducing angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels). 

According to one study, between 40% and 70% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D because they live in northern latitudes and/or don't spend enough time outdoors. So what is the best way to make sure that you get enough vitamin D?  Realistically, you have just three options.

The best place to get vitamin D3 is ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from natural sunlight. However, for decades, you've been the target of a misinformation campaign from the media and Medical Mafia that created a fear of sunshine. Therefore, most people either intentionally or unintentionally avoid the sun or smear on toxic sunscreen that blocks the beneficial wavelengths that produce vitamin D in your skin. My wife and I lay out in the sun for at least 20-30 minutes four to five days each week.

But what if you live in northerly climates where direct sunlight is unavailable for months at a time, as it is in most of the continental USA?  Short of moving to Hawaii or Panama or Ecuador, you still have two alternatives. 

One alternative is to regularly use a tanning bed that utilizes UVB rays.  That's right ... I said it ... the t word ... tanning bed. Please don't fry yourself, but despite the stigma attached to these machines, many modern tanning beds do provide an excellent source of vitamin D3 via the UVB rays. However, if you come out looking like a lobster, then you probably did more harm than good.

Your third alternative is vitamin D supplements. However, please beware that most vitamin D supplements are virtually worthless.  Here’s why: The vitamin D in milk and in most vitamin supplements is vitamin D2 and is synthetic. Vitamin D2 is also called “ergocalciferol.” It is not the vitamin D that you need to prevent cancer and degenerative diseases and depression.

An excellent source of vitamin D3 that will also provide beneficial omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA (which are pivotal in preventing heart disease, cancer, and many other diseases) is cod liver oil. The highest quality and best tasting cod liver oil I have found is Carlson’s Cod Liver Oil. Also, Dr. Joseph Mercola has recently endorsed a vitamin D3 spray called “Sunshine Mist” that can be purchased on his website.

The Remarkable Effects of Rebounding:

Research has led many scientists to conclude that jumping on a mini-trampoline is possibly the most effective exercise yet devised by man, especially because of the effect rebounding has on the lymph system.  The human body needs to move. The lymph system bathes every cell and carries nutrients to the cell while removing toxins such as dead and cancerous cells, heavy metals, infectious viruses, and other assorted wastes. But unlike the blood (which is pumped by the heart), the lymph is totally dependent on physical exercise to move. Jumping on a mini-trampoline is frequently referred to as rebounding.  You can rebound several times a day while listening to the radio or watching TV.

Lymphocytes (the primary cells of the lymph system) make up roughly 25% of all white blood cells in the body. Like other white blood cells, they are produced in the red bone marrow. Lymphocytes constantly travel throughout the body, moving through tissues or through the blood or lymph vessels. There are two major classes of lymphocytes: T-cells and B-cells. The letter “T” refers to the thymus, where those lymphocytes mature. The letter “B” refers to the bone marrow, where that group of lymphocytes matures. 

T-cells carry out two main defensive functions: they kill invaders and orchestrate or control the actions of other lymphocytes involved in the immune process or response. In addition, T-cells recognize and destroy any abnormal body cells, such as those that have become cancerous.

Like T-cells, B-cells are also programmed to recognize specific antigens on foreign cells. When stimulated during an immune response (such as when foreign cells enter the body), B-cells undergo a change in structure. They then produce antibodies, which are protein compounds. These compounds bind with specific antigens of foreign cells, labeling those cells for destruction. 

You can see that B-cells and T-cells are key players in our immune response. But without muscular contraction, adequate exercise, and movement, these lymphocytes are not able to do their job, because the lymph doesn’t flow. Thus, the body’s cells are left stewing in their own waste products and starving for nutrients, a situation which contributes to cancer and other degenerative diseases, as well as premature aging.  Rebounding has been shown to increase lymph flow by up to thirty times!

Also, all of the body’s cells become stronger in response to the increased “G forces” during rebounding, and this cellular exercise results in the self-propelled lymphocytes being up to five times more active!  

Rebounding on a mini-trampoline directly strengthens the immune system, increases lymph flow, and oxygenates the blood.  Unlike jogging on hard surfaces which puts extreme stress on certain joints such as the ankles and knees eventually damaging them, rebounding affects every joint and cell in the body equally. Plus, there are no cars, dogs, and bad weather to worry about.

There are several companies that sell rebounders, but our favorite is Needak Rebounders. They've been in business for decades, they're made in the USA, their customer service is outstanding, and they sell a 1/2 fold rebounder that comes with a carrying case so you can take it wherever you go. For those who have balance problems, they also sell a stabilizer bar that bolts securely onto the rebounder that you can hold on to.

McCain Bill Attacks Health Freedom
URGENT - Your Help Needed:

Codex Alimentarius  (Latin for “food code”) is the proposed set of international guidelines for nutritional supplements, food handling, production, and trade which is now gradually being ratified in countries around the world, starting in the European Union (EU). Codex is a joint project of the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

The official line is that some “harmonization” on safety, trade, manufacture, and distribution of nutritional supplements would help the world in so many ways. The truth is that Codex is one GIANT step toward total health tyranny, as it would classify nutritional supplements as “drugs” and would require them to be “approved” by a regulatory body like the “Fraud and Death Administration” (FDA).

In my book, Cancer-Step Outside the Box, one of the I warned that your health freedom is under attack. Well, Senator John McCaine has just escalated the attack! If he gets his way, the USA will soon be regulated by Codex Alimentarius. You see, there is a new bill sponsored by McCain called the Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA). But don't be fooled by the name! Much like the term Federal Reserve (which is neither Federal nor do they actually have any reserves - click HERE to learn more), the name is meant to mislead Americans.

This horrific bill is not designed to provide safety but is actually designed to end your access to high potency supplements by giving the corrupt FDA the power to regulate our access to nutritional supplements. This bill would repeal key sections of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).

Why is DSHEA so important? DSHEA is our last line of protection from Codex regulations. It basically protects nutritional products if they are considered to be food or if they  were sold as supplements prior to 1994 (the year that DSHEA was passed). If a nutritional product fits one of these two descriptions, the FDA cannot arbitrarily ban it or reclassify it as a drug.

Senator McCain’s bill would ELIMINATE the protections contained in DSHEA. It would give the FDA (or another similar regulatory body) absolute power to compile a list of supplements
allowed to remain on the market while arbitrarily banning all others. In light of the fact that the FDA is beholden to Big Pharma” would you like to venture a guess as to how this proposed legislation might effect your health freedom?

As ridiculous as it may seem, I have actually heard people say that herbs and vitamins are dangerous for your health! These same folks are the ones who are behind this legislation and who would have us to believe that they should be regulated and are potentially life-threatening. Statistics from the U.S. National Poison Data System prove otherwise. According to the 2008 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, there was not one single death from nutritional supplements, vitamins, herbs, or amino acids. That's right ... ZERO deaths. If nutritional supplements are allegedly so dangerous, then where are the bodies? Perhaps the proponents of this bill should do a little homework and research before they attempt to further obliterate the US constitution and remove yet another one of our freedoms.

So why would McCain be attempting to pass a bill that would effectively give the FDA carte blanche to ban nutritional products? It's all about MONEY, POWER, and CONTROL folks. Senator McCain is a tool for Big Pharma and the FDA, plain and simple. He has sold out. As you know, Big Pharma hates supplements because they represent a lower cost, safer, and more effective alternative to drugs. The FDA hates supplements because they don't have any control over them, thus they aren't required to be approved, thus they don't support the FDA's budget.

We must prevent this bill from gaining traction! Protect your access to supplements by contacting your senators today and asking them NOT to co-sponsor McCain's dangerous DSSA but rather to oppose it.

Click the stop sign to the left! You will be redirected to another website where you will be able to protest this horrific bill. Once you are redirected, please scroll to the bottom of the page, and with one click of the mouse, you will be able to send an email to President Obama, HHS Secretary Sebelius, and HELP committee chairman Harkin.

If we don't take action and defeat this bill, our legal right to access supplements and herbs will, quite frankly, be a thing of the past.  Please take action IMMEDIATELY. Our health freedom hinges on this bill.

Please forward this website to AT LEAST 10 PEOPLE and help fight for our health freedom. If everyone of my subscribers would do this, then that would be over 250,000 emails in opposition to this horrific bill.

PLEASE, take the time to forward this website address to 10 people and ask them to read the article about John McCain's bill and click the stop sign to file their protest:


As a special gift to you for forwarding this newsletter to 10 people and helping spread the word about this very real threat to our health freedom and to help you better understand Codex, I want to share a complimentary copy of my "Codex Alimentarius Special Report" with you.

Please click the book below to download your free copy of this special report.

Thanks! I really appreciate your help!

My Most Recent Radio Interview:

I recently did a radio interview with Michael Casals who hosts the Holistic Wellness Podcast. It was the best time I've had in quite a while with an interview, since Michael really knows alternative health.

The interview was called "Cancer: The Truth, The Lies, and the Money." I really think you'll enjoy both segments, and the links are below.

PART 1             PART 2

OK, enough for this time. But stay tuned. My next monthly newsletter will have some more great information.

And please REMEMBER: Cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence!

Thanks and God bless.

Click below to order Cancer-Step Outside the Box

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NOTE:  This is an E-book, available in Adobe (.pdf)
format for instant download. 

This newsletter is copyright of Ty M. Bollinger, Infinity 5102 Partners, and

Important Note: I am not a doctor. All content within this information letter is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech laws in all the civilized world. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified licensed professional. The facts presented on this website and in the book are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone consider that I am practicing medicine.  A conscious effort has been made to only present information that is both accurate and truthful. However, I assume no responsibility for inaccuracies in my source materials, nor do I assume responsibility for how this material is used. Any statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.