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January 18, 2010

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Full-Body Scanners - Protection or Invasion?

The Truth about Tamoxifen

Marijuana (Hemp Oil)

Requesting a Favor

CancerTruth Newsletter Index

Full-Body Scanners - Protection or Invasion?

My initial plan for this first newsletter of 2010 was to write only a few paragraphs on the controversial topic of the full-body scanners. However, these few paragraphs quickly multiplied and now it appears that I have written another book. Well, not quite, but I just couldn't cut out much of my diatribe, so I've decided to include the whole thing.

Im sure youve heard about the new full-body scanners that are being implemented in many major airports across the globe. Were being told that these scanners are necessary to protect us from the terrorists arent we? I mean, we must do whatever is necessary to make sure that the skies are safe, right? If we give up a few individual liberties then its worth it, isnt it? Give up your rights for the sake of national security.

The fact is that the most lucrative growth industry of these modern times is the “terror” business. Ever since 9/11, hundreds of companies greedy for government contracts are churning out “Big Brother Police State” technology at a frenetic pace, all in an effort to protect us from the “terrorists.” So here come the whole body imaging machines” as they like to call them...but let's not use euphemisms...these are “virtual strip search” machines.

In the USA, these machines are being monitored by the TSA (Transportation Safety Authority). The TSA has been using it’s government controlled press machine to prepare America for this stripping of dignity for quite a while. However, were you aware that they have been lying to the public? You see, the TSA has insisted that these “strip search” machines are incapable of saving, storing, or transmitting the images they take. This, we have been told, makes it “okey dokey” for the TSA to be able to check out the digital image of your naked wife or daughter.

But secret documents (which are not so secret anymore) uncovered by the Electronic Privacy Information Center ( have revealed that these machines do indeed posses precisely such capabilities. According to TSA specification requirement documents that have been uncovered by the EPIC, all full-body scanners purchased by the TSA must have the ability to both save and transmit the scanned images of air passengers. These documents were obtained by a FOIA request and have been shown on CNN and other major news channels.

Take a look at the images that the TSA will be looking at, and you tell me if this is acceptable or if is invasion of privacy.

Notice that the photo of the scan clearly shows male and female genitalia. In any other situation, taking that picture would be some kind of violation, especially without the express written permission of the traveler. If the TSA is taking scans of person that is considered to be a minor, then they are breaking child porn laws!! Anyone else would be prosecuted for a felony!! But this is deemed to be OK when done by the TSA.

I would venture to say that these new “full-body-porno” scanners utilized by the TSA might humiliate many Americans (at least those who have never posed nude for Playboy or Playgirl). I know that I will NEVER allow my wife or children to be scanned by some pervert working in the airport...

Our founding fathers are ROLLING OVER IN THEIR GRAVES right now. This type of invasion is the reason they wrote the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. This is the pinnacle of invasion of our privacy under the guise of “war against terrorism” and sanctioned by the Patriot Act, which is perhaps the most unpatriotic document ever signed into law!

Despite the attitude of several of our recent Presidents concerning the U.S. Constitution, as far as I know, it's still the law of the land. So please tell me where in the Constitution and Bill of Rights does it say our civil rights don't apply in airports? What about little things like “probable cause” and freedom from “unreasonable search and seizure”? Has anyone heard of the 4th amendment?

Is the mere desire to fly on an airplane considered probable cause? Anyone who says, “If it makes us safer, I'm OK with it” just doesn’t get it!!  It DOESN’T make us safer, and it makes us all a little bit less free.

At best, this is intrusive and unethical, and at worst, illegal.

As if this weren't enough, WHAT ABOUT THE RADIATION?  Isn’t it illegal to expose people to radiation without medical justification? How is the government allowed to forcibly irradiate us at airports? What about the deleterious effects on women in their first trimester of pregnancy, when the risks of the baby developing genetic abnormalities (caused by radiation damaging the DNA) are the highest?

Dr. John W. Gofman, an authority on the health effects of ionizing radiation, estimates that 75% of breast cancer could be prevented by avoiding or minimizing exposure to the ionizing radiation. His exhaustive research led him to conclude that there is NO SAFE DOSE-LEVEL of radiation, since it is equivalent to dropping “grenades and small bombs” on human cells.

Exposure to radiation is dangerous, whether we are talking about typical ionizing radiation or the terahertz radiation used in many full-body scanners. A study conducted by Boian Alexandrov (and colleagues) at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico indicated that terahertz radiation has the potential to literally rip apart or unzip double-stranded DNA. This, in turn, creates bubbles that could interfere with critical processes (like DNA replication and gene expression).

As I mentioned previously, Big Brother’s “zap” madness is a predictable result of America’s post 9/11 security hysteria. Just in case you weren’t aware, it’s straight from the Nazi playbook. Those who dissent with the government are called “traitors” and told that they “hate America.” I have personally experienced this. Take a look at a quote from Hermann Goering, Hitler's "right-hand-man":

This is EXACTLY what has happened in the USA since 9/11. If you DARE to question the government, you are quickly labeled as being “unpatriotic.” And thus America continues our march toward becoming a police state . . .

But believe it or not, most Americans LOVE the loss of freedoms! According to a recent Zogby poll, most of the American “sheeple” who are traveling through airports APPROVE of the long lines and gridlock at the TSA screening points, because they “feel safer.” Oh isn’t that special? These “happy campers” should be delighted to learn about TSA nazi’s grossly invasive new “naked-full-body-zap” security plans.

These airport scanners should be banned. Radiation damages the DNA in your cells and much more. It accumulates in the body during one's lifetime and when it reaches a certain level, cancer is nearly certain. Americans who are still able to think must launch an effort to save ourselves and warn others! Let’s demand that Congress mandate TSA’s “porno-radiation” experiments be strictly voluntary. We must DEMAND our right to abstain from security procedures that will harm us and our children (both born and unborn).

According to Ben Franklin: “They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.”  How many rights are you willing to sacrifice in the name of security? For me and my family, the answer is: NONE!!

The Truth about Tamoxifen:

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, the chances are that your oncologist will try to get you to take Tamoxifen. Before you decide to take his/her advice, I suggest that you do a little bit of research on this toxic drug and make a wise decision.

Let’s say you own XYZ Pharmaceuticals and your company has just developed a drug and received FDA approval. Congratulations! You’re on your way to another vacation home in Aspen and can put several million dollars into each of your children's trust funds. But there's just one problem: your newest drug actually CAUSES CANCER and the EPA knows about it.  And not only do they know about it but they have publicly listed it as a "carcinogen." Bummer!  What rotten luck! All that R&D money is down the drain and the FDA will remove your product from the market, right?

Ummmm...wrong!  The Medical Mafia isn't going to do any such thing. How do I know this? Because this is EXACTLY what happened with Tamoxifen back in the mid 1990's when it was discovered that Tamoxifen CAUSES CANCER.

In his book, Indicted: Cancer Research, Dr. Tibor J. Hegedus states: “Tamoxifen is given to women with breast cancer to block the entrance of estradiol into the tumor cells dependant upon this hormone to stimulate growth. When the hormones are blocked from reaching their primary targets, they are forced to travel to other organs.” This, in turn, stimulates proliferation of cells in the lining of the womb, and in certain cases causes endometrial (uterine) cancer! 

About a thousand published studies deal with Tamoxifen and endometrial cancer. An analysis of several large studies shows that Tamoxifen approximately doubles a woman's risk for uterine cancer when used for one to two years, and quadruples it at five years. Most people don't know that Tamoxifen was originally considered as a birth control pill because it interferes with the ability of the uterus to sustain a pregnancy!!

In April 1996, the World Health Organization declared Tamoxifen to be a known carcinogen, but AstraZeneca continues to market this toxic drug. On May 16, 2000, the New York Times reported that the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences listed substances that are known carcinogens. Tamoxifen was included in that list! Taking a carcinogen to stop the spread the cancer is like playing “Russian Roulette” with a fully loaded machine gun!  The journal Science published a study from Duke University Medical Center in 1999 showing that after two to five years, tamoxifen actually initiated the growth of breast cancer!

In a 1994 article, Betty Martini wrote “Tamoxifen has been tested and retested for more than 15 years. The testers admitted fraud, many contraindications were just ignored, test results were limited in duration and after-effects not tallied, though women sickened and died from them. The tests didn’t prove the stuff works, so they’re doing them over again, with your money. They’ll keep testing until they can figure a way to rig the results in favor of healthy women buying the poison for a disease we don’t have, but the drug will give it to us!” 

Marijuana (Hemp Oil):

Marijuana not only relieves pain and helps with the appetite of cancer patients, it also has been shown to have curative properties. The chemical in marijuana (aka cannibis or hemp) which is responsible for many of the medical benefits is Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Derived from hemp seeds, hemp oil has long been recognized as one of the most versatile and beneficial substances known to man.  Hemp is considered to be a superfood (like spirulina and chlorella) due to its high essential fatty acid content and the unique ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 and gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Hemp oil contains up to 5% of pure GLA, a much higher concentration than any other plant. For millenia, hemp has been used in medicinal teas and tonics because of its healing properties.

As late as the 1930's in the USA, medicinal hemp tinctures with THC were available in most pharmacies. But in the 1940's, hemp was made illegal. But why would the US government outlaw a plant which has a plethora of useful applications? Big Pharma didn't like the non-toxic and inexpensive medicinal applications, that's why. Hemp was plentiful and inexpensive, and to make matters worse for the Medical Mafia, it didn't cause any additional medical conditions that required prescriptions for more poison. So, it was outlawed.

The medical evidence for the effectiveness of THC at treating cancer and also reducing pain is overwhelming. We have known this since 1974 when the first experiment documenting marijuana's anti-tumor effects took place at the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U.S. government and the National Institute of Health (NIH).

The purpose of the study was to show that marijuana damages the immune system and causes cancer. However, the study found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice (lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia). OOPS! We can't have that information made public can we? So, the DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further research on the anti-cancer effects of marijuana ... even though the researchers found that THC cures cancer!!

In 2000, researchers in Madrid learned that the THC in hemp inhibits the spread of brain cancer through selectively inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis) in brain tumor cells without negatively impacting surrounding healthy cells. They were able to destroy incurable brain tumors in rats by injecting them with THC. But sadly, most Americans don't know anything about the Madrid discovery, since virtually no major US newspapers carried the story.

A 2007 Harvard Medical School study showed that the THC in hemp decreased lung cancer tumors by 50% and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to metastasize (spread). Other researchers have also shown that THC is an effective treatment for Hodgkin's disease and Kaposi's Sarcoma. A recent study out of Thailand demonstrated that THC can also fight bile duct cancer, which is rare and deadly. As a matter of fact, the International Medical Verities Association is including hemp oil on its cancer protocol.

After he successfully treated his terminal cancer with hemp oil, Rick Simpson has been leading the way to promote hemp oil as a viable cancer treatment. Ironically, on November 25th, 2009, one day before he was crowned the Freedom Fighter of the Year 2009 at the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, Simpson received word that he had been raided again by the RCMP in Canada. Simpson has been heavily persecuted for his stance on medicinal marijuana and for his efforts to help folks cure their cancer with hemp oil.

Folks, I definitely believe that we are living in the matrix! Almost every natural substance that God created (such as hemp, apricot seeds, and sunlight) are considered to be "dangerous" while toxic drugs being pushed by Big Pharma are considered to be safe! It is legal for doctors to attack people with their poisons but you can go to jail for trying to save yourself or a loved one from cancer with the oil of a simple garden weed or the seed of a simple  fruit.

The science for the use of hemp oil is overwhelming. It should be produced and distributed to each and every cancer patient that needs it. But the reality is that we live in a corrupt world run by the Medical Mafia who would rather make money while cancer patients die cruel deaths than to give them access to a non-toxic and effective natural cancer treatment like hemp oil. 

Unfortunately, for most people in the world, hemp oil is illegal. I plan to include a chapter on hemp oil in the next edition of my book, Cancer-Step Outside the Box

Requesting a Favor:

Since I initially published the book in 2006, I have had the privilege of sharing this vital, life-saving information with over 30,000 people across the world and have been blessed to learn that my book has played a vital role in the survival of many cancer patients.

Until recently, I have been relying on ads with Google (called AdWords) to generate traffic to my website and get the word out about my book and alternative cancer treatments. I thought that this was the best way for an average person (like myself) to reach a large market. However, to the right you can read an email which I recently received from Google.

Apparently, since my website and my book offer information that might actually help someone to successfully treat their cancer with alternative medicine, now I'm considered to be promoting a "miracle cure" and my website and my advertisements are now "BANNED" on Google! 

I guess you have to promote chemotherapy or radiation to have an "approved website" eh?

Perhaps since chemotherapy has less than a 3% cure rate, it's not considered to be a "miracle cure."  I guess Google is all in favor of "freedom of speech" .... AS LONG AS YOU AGREE WITH THEM!!!

My loyal subscribers, I really need your help!

Email them this link:

Don't let Google squelch our freedom of speech!!
Help me spread the word about alternative cancer treatments.

As a special gift to you for forwarding this newsletter to 5 people and helping me to spread the word, I want to share a complimentary copy of my "Swine Flu Special Report" with you.

Please click the book below to download your free copy of this special report.

Thanks! I really appreciate your help!

OK, enough for this time. But stay tuned. My next monthly newsletter will have some more great information.

And please REMEMBER: Cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence!

Thanks and God bless.

Click below to order Cancer-Step Outside the Box

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This newsletter is copyright of Ty M. Bollinger, Infinity 5102 Partners, and

Important Note: I am not a doctor. All content within this information letter is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech laws in all the civilized world. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified licensed professional. The facts presented on this website and in the book are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone consider that I am practicing medicine.  A conscious effort has been made to only present information that is both accurate and truthful. However, I assume no responsibility for inaccuracies in my source materials, nor do I assume responsibility for how this material is used. Any statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.