December 2, 2010

Recently, the FED decided to print billions of dollars for quantitative easing. This monopoly style printing and pumping of more money into the system will only steal the purchasing power from each and every one of us, through inflation. This inflation will not create jobs but will have the reverse effect and it will cause prices of our every day goods and services to rise, making it harder for most of us to live on a fixed income! Click here to see the National Inflation Association’s most recent predictions for food prices ... prepare to be shocked! In my opinion, hyperinflation is inevitable. The 10+ Trillion dollar debt we have is simply untenable. The only way it can be repaid is the way nations with fiat currencies have always done: print more money! Eventually, the money is worth so little that you have to fill a wheelbarrow just to buy bread!

In light of the financial direction our country is heading (hyperinflation), I felt it necessary to make a list of the TOP SIX preparedness items, as they relate to food and nutrition. They are as follows:

  1. food

  2. seeds

  3. sprouts

  4. herbs

  5. water

  6. silver


I will elaborate below....


While many thousands of Americans are denying the fact that a food shortage in America is bound to happen, others are quietly preparing for what may well be the worst economic disaster ever to hit our country. Folks, if you are totally dependent on the supermarket down the street for your daily meals, I beg of you to at least consider stockpiling a few months supply of food. While you will never hear about it on the mainstream news, and while we can all walk into supermarkets and buy as much food as we want right now, the truth is that a massive global food shortage is imminent.   

I hear folks talking about buying silver and gold to hedge against inflation and devaluation of the dollar, which is a good idea for folks who have a lot of money and have already taken care of their food insurance” ... but you cant eat gold and silver folks! Think about it ... Americans spend THOUSANDS of dollars each year on health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, renter’s insurance, life insurance, and the list goes on and on. But 95% of Americans dont have any food insurance (i.e. food storage). If you don’t have car insurance when you get in a wreck, then you might lose your car...but if you dont have FOOD insurance and their is a shortage of food, then you may DIE! With few exceptions, we have become increasingly dependent on others to feed us. Most people dont know (because theyve never thought about it) that the typical American city has on hand only enough food to feed the population for about one week. If the supermarkets and warehouses arent re-stocked, youll have about a week before you run out of food. Kind of scary, isnt it?

Imagine what would happen if food supplies were suddenly unable to reach grocery stores due to a shortage OR if you could no longer afford food (due to hyperinflation)? Where would you turn for your next meal? The truth of the matter is that if you wait until then, it will be too late.  Now is the time to build up an emergency food supply because a food shortage that is so horrible that most of us cannot even imagine it is on the way, and when it hits it is going to be incredibly painful. My advice is and will always be the same:  Now is the time to prepare. I recommend having at least ONE YEAR of food storage for every member of your family. 

Since our country could be on the brink of a possible financial collapse, many people I know are getting prepared. Are you prepared? I have researched all of the emergency food storage retailers on the web and then compared prices, quality, and ingredients. The company which I recommend is Emergency Essentials® due to their affordable prices, healthy ingredients, high quality, and excellent customer service. Many of the companies I researched tend to load up their products with hydrogenated oils, MSG, aspartame, and other harmful ingredients. However, I found that Emergency Essentials® selection is not only healthy (with a few exceptions of course), but their prices are approximately 35% less than their competitors. Visit the website of Emergency Essentials® and purchase your years supply of food (for everyone in your family) today!

All Natural Foods


What if you cant afford to purchase food due to financial difficulties?

This is a very good question and very appropriate for the current financial situation in the USA. As they say in New Zealand, No worries mate. If you dont have the money to build the kind of food reserves that you think you will need, dont worry because I have found another company (eFoods Global) which will help you earn your food! Click here to learn more about how eFoods Global will enable you to purchase food even if you are out of work or are financially strapped. I have personally purchased thousands of dollars of food from eFoods over the past 5 years and can testify that they are an excellent company with very good products. Get your family prepared today so you never have to worry about standing in a government bread line.

eFoods Global is also a great option if you are an entrepreneur (or out of work) and are interested in earning money while helping others prepare.


Why did Bill Gates spend $30 million in a seed bank in Svalbard, Norway? Does he know something we dont?  You dont have to be an Old Testament prophet to see whats going on all around us. A desperate lower class demanding handouts. A rapidly diminishing middle class crippled by police state bureaucracy. An aloof, ruling elite that has introduced us to an emerging totalitarianism which seeks control over every aspect of our lives. Just look at the TSA for one glaring example of the way our rights are being trampled here in the USA.

When you couple this fascist government with the upcoming food shortages and hyperinflation, I firmly believe that in the near future, seeds will be worth their weight in gold. I found a place where you can purchase seeds to grow all the food you will ever need anywhere in the country, called Survival Seed Bank™

These seeds are grown in remote plots, far from the prying eyes of the GMO giants and Big Agra. Each of the Survival Seed Bank™ varieties has been hand-picked for germination rate, nutritional density and of course, storage life. These seeds are true heirlooms and produce extremely nutritious plants. In fact, some studies show that these varieties are up to five times as nutritious as hybrid varieties. Each seed package is sealed in a special foil packet with a very expensive desiccant designed to keep seeds fresh for 20 years at 70 degrees.

The seed packs are then packed and placed in a special waterproof (practically indestructible) container called a seed bank. Each Survival Seed Bank™ has a total of 22 varieties of open pollinated super seeds.

Next to a years food supply for every member of your family, I firmly believe that you cannot have too many seeds stored. My family has a survival seed bank for every member and I think you should do the same.


Right up there with having seeds is learning how to sprout them. Sprouts have a number of qualities that make them especially useful as a part of a survival plan. One of their values is derived from the fact that the sprout stage of any plant is the time when it has the greatest concentration of vitamins and minerals, so they come in very handy when healthy food is scarce. If you’ve ever secretly wondered if your current food storage plan is enough to keep your family alive and well when the going gets tough, then you need to remember that food storage will provide you with all the calories you need, but won’t necessarily provide you with all the nutrients and minerals and vitamins you need to stay healthy. That’s where sprouts come into the picture.

In a crisis situation, your health is everything. Strength and stamina. A clear head and a sharp mind. Quick reflexes. Stress resilience. A strong immune system. In a true survival situation, if you lack any of these, it could literally mean the difference between life and death. So I highly recommend that you obtain 50 to 100 pounds of sprouting seeds and learn how to sprout them so that you can add this to each meal and obtain the vital nutrients needed to stay healthy when you are relying on your stored food to keep you and your family alive.

If you dont know anything about sprouting, then thats not a big deal. Click here to purchase a Survival Sprout Bank which will provide you with step-by-step instructions as well as ten essential sprouts (alfalfa, rasish, broccoli, garbonzo, green lentils, black eyed peas, mung bean, peas, wheat, and fenugreek). These days, more and more people are stockpiling food and preparing for hard times. And yet most folks have no real tactical food plan. In fact, almost everyone is overlooking the vital superfood (sprouts) that could make or break your chances of surviving (and thriving) through a crisis. In my opinion, having a Survival Sprout Bank is essential if you want to thrive during a food shortage.


Once you have your food storage and seeds (and sprouts), next on the list is herbs. The reason that herbs are so important is that they serve as your natural medicine cabinet.” Herbal medicine is the oldest form of healthcare known to mankind. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 4 billion people (almost 80% percent of the world population) use herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care. Herbal medicine is a major component in all indigenous peoples’ traditional medicine and a common element in Ayurvedic, homeopathic, naturopathic, traditional oriental, and Native American Indian medicine.

The Survival Herb Bank is the perfect antidote for the poisonous, crippling system being pushed for by the Pelosi, Reid, and Obama axis of evil.” You can now tap into powerful “off the grid” health care, using all natural, time tested herbal medications.  With the Survival Herb Bank, you can grow and prepare your own herbs and take the first preventative step against the coming socialized medical shortages, thanks to Obama-care.”

And if you dont know enough about herbs to make your own medicine, NO PROBLEM. Here is a link to an excellent book which shows you how to make your own emergency remedies for use in any survival situation if and when medical help may be unavailable. The book is called “Emergency Herbs” and it explains exactly what herbs to use in a crisis, but also how to use them.


Without food, most humans will die in a month. Without water, we’re dead in less than ten days. Water makes up over 70% of the body, around 90% of the blood, and about 85% of the brain.  What would you do if you couldnt get clean drinking water? This is a question that you really need to consider.

My family has been using Berkey Water Filters for the past 5 years and we love them. They will purify pond water, if you come to a situation where you need to drink it. We never have, thank God, but its good to know that we have several filters that we can use and all we need to do is walk down to the creek and bring some buckets of water to the house, if it ever comes to a point where water is not available.

And even if you do have access to the public water supply, it is likely laced with chlorine, fluoride, lead, high levels of harmful bacteria, and other unwanted chemicals and contaminants.  Even bottled water (which many times originates from a municipal source) can contain these same contaminants, and moreover it is very expensive and likely contains Bisphenol A (BPA) in the plastic, which is a terrible toxin.  Berkey Water Filters dont contain any BPA, by the way.

Everyone who is thinking ahead should have at least 2 gravity water filters (like the Berkey shown above) just in case water becomes scarce...or contaminated...


If you get sick and cannot get to a doctor, what is the most important single substance to have around the house? I would say silver. When I say silver, you are probably thinking of silver coins. But Im not talking about silver coins ... I’m talking about silver medicine.

What is colloidal/ionic silver? True colloidal silver is a concentration of nano-sized (particles) of silver suspended in a liquid. True ionic silver is a concentration of silver (ions) suspended in a liquid. Multiple laboratory tests have shown colloidal/ionic silver to kill disease-causing pathogens, viruses, and bacteria typically within minutes of contact. Silver has been shown to be a powerful anti-fungal, anti-germicidal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral substance in other research studies. Silver is used readily in hospital burn wards to prevent scar tissue. Ionic silver has been shown to regenerate human cells and greatly relieves burns when applied topically. Prior to 1938, colloidal silver was used by physicians as a mainstream antibiotic treatment and was considered to be a “cutting edge” treatment for a variety of ailments.  Not surprisingly, however, Big Pharma moved in and caused colloidal research to be set aside in favor of financially lucrative drugs. 

You can either purchase colloidal silver, or you can make your own. The best colloidal/ionic silver generator I have found in my research is called the SilverLungs™ generator. It is very affordable and will give you the ability to make your own colloidal/ionic silver for a fraction of the cost of purchasing silver from a vendor.

t think America will ever turn into a third world country? Dont think it can happen here? I suggest you watch the madness of a lost society below....

On Black Fridaythis year (2010), over 180 million American shoppers headed for the stores to purchase their useless trinkets, and there were reports of fights and rioting from coast to coast. It is very disturbing (to me personally) just how crazy ordinary Americans become when they can get a good deal and save a little bit of money. Think about this: If people will go this wild just to save 40% on a video game or a TV set, then what in the world are they going to do when they have been without food for a couple of weeks?  If Americans will act like psychotic animals just to save a few bucks, then what in the world will they do when they have lost everything, are starving, and are desperate to survive?

Again, to reiterate, with our country heading toward financial collapse, it is IMPERATIVE that you act NOW to prepare. This is not to frighten you, but to advise you to be like a Boy Scout to be prepared. Please dont put this off. Tomorrow may be too late.

May God bless you all as you prepare for the worst, yet hope for the best.

P.S. For a very interesting (and alarming) perspective, I suggest that you read an article entitled The Year America Dissolved written by Paul Craig Roberts, who was Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury (under Reagan) and also Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal.


© 2010 Ty M. Bollinger, Infinity 5102 Partners, and

Important Note: I am not a doctor. All content within this information letter is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech laws in all the civilized world. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified licensed professional. The facts presented on this website and in the book are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone consider that I am practicing medicine.  A conscious effort has been made to only present information that is both accurate and truthful. However, I assume no responsibility for inaccuracies in my source materials, nor do I assume responsibility for how this material is used. Any statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.